Leap Frog Photography ~ Kathie Austin » School Portraits with Happy & Positive Energy!

About My Life, Family, Vision, Inspiration

Attention goes where the energy flows. I put all my energy into raising four Monkeys, being a creative visual storyteller and loving all things happy! I believe strongly in a positive attitude and surrounding myself with goodness. My motto: Thing Good, Say Good, Do Good.

When my name changed to “Mama” I resigned from my pharmaceutical marketing career and successfully launched my photography hobby into a “Mompreneur” career.

I can’t wait to smell my grandchildren and I’m the proud owner of Four Belly Buttons, who I refer to as my Monkeys. They are the inspiration behind my portrait business, www.KathieAustinPhotography.com, and my school portrait business, www.Leap-Frog-Photography.com. They provide vision with assisting on shoots, planning all things creative, managing the studio and office and by helping me maintain a constant state of . . . serenity.


I have been eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all my life. They taste best at three o’clock in the morning with vanilla almond milk. I want to live on sushi, smoothies, salad and, yep, PB&Js. But Reeses are the key to my heart. I run a mile a day to connect with the clouds and keep my tackle box and fishing pole in the car . . . just in case.

Let it Be

Thank you for considering Leap Frog Photography for your school portraits!

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